Obtaining SPIROMICS Data

There are three ways to access SPIROMICS data:

1. Proposing a paper in collaboration with a SPIROMICS Investigator

All manuscript proposals and abstracts require approval of the SPIROMICS Publications and Presentations committee. Authors must submit a proposal prior to writing the manuscript/abstract. If approved, the final manuscript draft (that has been reviewed by all co-authors) must be reviewed and approved by Publications and Presentations Committee prior to journal submission. 

A list of manuscript and abstract proposals will soon be available on the Policies and Forms page. The complete SPIROMICS Publications and Presentations Policy can be found here.

NOTE:  Portions of the Publications section of the website require a user login. To register, click on the Create a New Account button here.

2. Proposing an Ancillary Study

To access data by proposing an ancillary study, you must first submit an Ancillary Study Proposal Form to the SPIROMICS GIC via email. The proposal will be reviewed by the Ancillary Studies Committee, Steering Committee, and NHLBI. Depending on the level of participant burden, Observational and Safety Monitoring Board (OSMB) review may also be required. 

The complete SPIROMICS Ancillary Studies Policies and Procedures can be found here.

3. Requesting Access to Publicly Available Data

Investigators must submit a Data Materials and Distribution Agreement (DMDA) prior to receiving any data and/or biospecimens, which can be found below.

Once the DMDA is executed, investigators must submit a Data Access Request Form via email attachment outlining the intended use of the dataset, which can be found in the table below.

A list of the available datasets and the complete Data Access Policy can be found in the table below.

Title Date File
Breath-hold instructions for CT Imaging PDF
Data Access Policy PDF
Dataset and Variable Naming User Guide PDF
Dataset Submission Form DOCX
Longitudinal Analysis Guidelines PDF
New NHLBI Supplement to the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy PDF
Policy on Datasets for Reproducing Manuscript Results PDF
Sample Quantity Guidelines for Request PDF
SPIROMICS & SOURCE Data and Materials Distribution Agreement PDF
SPIROMICS Dataset, Sample, and Analysis Request Form DOCX
SPIROMICS I Available Biomarker Data Summary XLSX
Summary Table of Available Datasets XLSX