SPIROMICS involves the prospective collection and analysis of phenotypic, biomarker, genetic, genomic, and clinical data from people with different stages of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD. Our goal is to evaluate this complex disease from multiple angles, across groups of people, to identify the best practices for care and treatments.
SPIROMICS is funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the COPD Foundation and is coordinated by the Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Participants were enrolled and followed and continue to be followed at clinical centers in Winston-Salem, NC; Ann Arbor, MI; San Francisco, CA; Los Angeles, CA; New York City, NY; Salt Lake City, UT; Iowa City, IA; Baltimore, MD; Denver, CO; Philadelphia, PA; Birmingham, AL; and Chicago, IL.
Primary Aims of SPIROMICS:
- To perform molecular fingerprinting and phenotyping to identify disease subpopulations
- To identify and validate surrogate markers of disease severity. This work will be useful as intermediate outcome measures for future clinical trials.
Secondary Aims of SPIROMICS:
- To clarify the natural history of COPD
- To develop bioinformatic resources that will enable the utilization and sharing of data in studies of COPD and related diseases
- To create a collection of clinical, biomarker, radiographic, and genetic data that can be used by external investigators for other studies of COPD.
Our SPIROMICS/SOURCE Sites and Funding Sources:
A map is below. Or, you can view a text listing of the SPIROMICS/SOURCE Sites and Funding Sources.